

SuperHi is an online coding school specializing in web development and visual design. The SuperHi team and community is fully remote, and teaches students from all around the world. Admittedly, I first found out about the school because of the sweet branding (check out @hisuperhi to see what I mean) and I've been a student since January 2019, when I initially became serious about learning to code. Since buying their book and beginning the process of coding my first site (a portfolio for my architectural design work), I've become absolutely obsessed, and have been actively taking courses for a year and a half. Alongside my engineering education, I'm currently actively participating in 3 SuperHi courses, and helping other members of the community as much as I can.

why coding

Coding allows me to design and create experiences for people that are tangible and useable within seconds of typing "push", which was an experience I'd never had before with any of the creative professions I was involved in. I liked that I could come up with an idea one night, and have it being functional online by the next morning. Since beginning to learn, I've helped many of my former classmates create and fine-tune websites for personal work and their own startups, as well as sites for causes I believe in (one of my favourites is pay Coding gives me the freedom to build whatever I can imagine (as long as I figure out how to write it in JS) and design experiences and interfaces I wish existed already. In short, it's totally addicting, and I've never loved a job / activity / way of making things so much.


jan 2019 - present

  • student - design
  • student - UX
  • student - HTML, CSS, JS
  • student - react

my courses:


  • react
  • animation for the web
  • experimental typography for the web
  • page transitions
  • experimental JavaScript
  • ajax + APIs
  • javascript for designers
  • math for creatives
  • advanced CSS + JS
  • foundation HTML, CSS, and JS

in progress

  • instagram filters
  • creative coding
  • data visualization + d3